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Textile design surface pattern in high resolution digital download on Patterntag

by Roberto Ruotolo 24 Nov 2022
Textile design surface pattern in high resolution digital download on Patterntag

On Patterntag italian ecommerce site you will find textile pattern designs in high resolution TIFF format and with an excellent quality-price ratio, in order to use ready-to-use surface pattern designs that can be easily downloaded with a click and can be purchased quickly and securely with Paypal , in fact you will immediately receive an email with the link to download the surface pattern design in instant download.

When you want to buy a surface pattern design you will find various models cataloged in our database:

In pattern design flowers are one of the most used elements for design motifs and the floral category includes not only flowers but also grasses, leaves, pods, pine cones, marine plants.

Pattern designs with geometric designs are based on geometric shapes including lines, squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, rhombuses.

The paisley pattern design features a curved teardrop pattern that is embellished and stylized, it is usually very colorful in terms of design.

Pattern designs with abstract designs are those that have no identifiable shape and therefore have no other reference.

Stripe designs consist of vertical, horizontal, or diagonal or oblique lines. The stripes can consist of bands of color of various sizes, or they can be more complicated. Other motifs that are used for stripe patterns include zig zags, textures and patterns.

A conversational pattern design (also known as a novelty pattern) is composed of recognizable motifs or objects. They can be depicted as a whole scene or just a motif in their own right such as animals, landscapes, licensed motifs of easily recognizable characters such as actors or cartoon subjects of well-known brands of the Disney or Marvel brand.

Ethnic pattern design refers to a pattern or design specific to a nationality or culture, such as Indian or Oriental culture.

Buy now the modern surface pattern designs designed entirely by our Italian graphic team and create textile projects, the unlimited commercial license is included on each pattern design and if you need a customized pattern for your ideas you can purchase a consultancy for personalized graphics in high resolution for the textile sector and beyond.

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